Sautéed Salmon Trout with a Bed of Shallots & Terragon

Had to cook dinner for myself this CNY, since everyone's off in Malaysia. Happened to have the terragon in preparation for a bouquet garni-based dish for tomorrow, and bought the salmon while shopping for chicken breasts for Brownie.
The materials:
Salmon fillet, at least 1" thick
Shallots, peeled and sliced thickly
Fresh terragon
Fresh parsley (optional - just a sprig of it will do)
For toppings:
Plain honey
Tabasco sauce
Fresh ground pepper
Cooking wine (Chinese cooking wine is fine)
The method:
- Prepare the salmon by rubbing with salt, and washing the salt off.
- Grease a shallow pan, and heat at high heat for a minute or so, then add the sprig of parsley.
- Turn the heat to the LOWEST POSSIBLE. This is very important!!
- Sauté the salmon fillet under low heat, until more than half the thickness turns the usual powdery pink colour.
- Add sliced shallots and fresh terragon sprigs to the side of the pan, leave until shallots are soft.
- To cook the side of the salmon that has skin on it without damaging the skin, remove the fillet temporarily from the pan. Spread the shallots out in a thin layer over the pan, then flip the fillet over and cook - still at low head - skin-down.
- Test for doneness at the thickest portion of the fillet, place on dish with shallots scooped onto the top.
- Drizzle 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/2 teaspoon of tabasco, 1/2 teaspoon of wine and a dash of freshly-ground pepper.
- Serve warm with a sprig of terragon and side dish (I used fish fingers) for garnish*